Join the Challenge

Join the Challenge

Join the Challenge

What is the RejectionCon Challenge About?

What is the RejectionCon Challenge About?

What is the RejectionCon Challenge About?

If you don't know, RejectionCon is about supporting charity. Every penny you spend on your pass goes to the Rural Technology Fund, a 501c3 dedicated to investing back into our school systems in technology education.

So we've proudly been asking attendees to give a little to help support the fund. In return, you'll get a conference pass to the event.

Then something amazing happened.

Out of nowhere, Degly Mendez, an incredible MSP owner quietly dropped $2000 on a conference pass. We didn't even realize it at first.

The MSP Community is powerful

The MSP Community is powerful

The MSP Community is powerful

Then we realized something amazing. The MSP community is powerful. When we get together and believe in a common mission — powerful things happen. Degly lit a match. And kicked into gear what we call the RejectionCon Challenge.

Below are some of the folks that have gone above and beyond for their communities. For the world around them. For kids across the United States who can have their lives transformed by technology education. Kids in school systems that lack the budget to build technology awareness.

We often talk about the "technology talent gap"… but how committed are we to fixing it? Below are a few MSP and community leaders who have stepped into the gap. These are folks that have given $500 or more to the Rural Tech Fund.

Thanks to them (and everyone else who gave, large or small!) we've hit our goal of $10,000 raised.

Below are some of the folks that have gone above and beyond for their communities. For the world around them. For kids across the United States who can have their lives transformed by technology education. Kids in school systems that lack the budget to build technology awareness.

We often talk about the "technology talent gap"… but how committed are we to fixing it? Below are a few MSP and community leaders who have stepped into the gap. These are folks that have given $500 or more to the Rural Tech Fund.

Thanks to them (and everyone else who gave, large or small!) we've hit our goal of $10,000 raised.

Degly Mendez

Ian Richardson

Bob Miller

Dustin Bolander

Shawn Torres

Jason Slagle

Robert Cioffi

David Bellini

Adam Slutskin

Tom Wyant

Marissa Maldonado

Jesse Miller

Megan Killion

Maureen Golden

Ray Orsini

Gerwai Todd

Jason Rorie

James Carroll

Mike Estep

Kelvin Tegelaar

Empath — anonymous :-)

Darren Cerullo

Ann Westerheim

Dave Cava

Connor Swalm @ Phin

Thank you.

Thank you.

Thank you.

To everyone who gave for the Rural Tech Fund large or small… thank you! You are amazing.

And a special thank you to these folks. The ones that went above and beyond and answered the RejectionCon Challenge.

© RejectionCon by Empath, 2025
